
Recognize, address and resolve conflicts sustainably

Conflicts are like illusory giants (see Michael Ende). If they are not addressed, they become bigger and bigger and appear insurmountable over time. Conflict resolution is part of a leader's job and cannot be delegated. Models to classify conflicts, constructive and sustainable ideas to solve and prevent conflicts are therefore indispensable tools in leadership and in everyday life. In this training, you will be given tools to deal with this issue effectively and sustainably.

You want

  • To learn how to deal with conflict situations in a constructive way
  • To prevent conflict by recognizing potentially difficult situations on time
  • To overcome your inherent fear of conflicts

You need

  • Attitudes and approaches for dealing constructively with conflicts
  • Methods and tools to bring about lasting solutions to conflicts

You bring

  • Line leadership experience, experience in leadership in projects or as a specialist manager
  • The will to reflect on your own experiences and to learn from them
  • Conflict situations in your own work area
  • Openness to experiment with new ideas

You learn

  • How to deal with conflict situations actively, constructively and consciously
  • How to prevent conflict situations by recognizing potentially difficult situations at an early stage
  • To develop attitudes and approaches for dealing with conflict constructively
  • To use methods and tools to bring about sustainable solutions to conflicts and thus strengthen team cooperation
  • To recognize and respect the positive potential of conflicts
  • To differentiate your understanding and perception of conflict situations
  • To recognize and reflect on your own role and contribution in conflicts
  • Useful methods and tools for systematic conflict management and resolution

Topics covered by the training

  • Basic human needs and the topic of fear
  • Helpful attitude in conflict situations
  • One's own conditioning on the topic of conflicts: Unconscious prejudices and value systems
  • Conflict styles and adapted behavior in conflicts
  • Conflict roles
  • Behavior as a third party in. conflict
  • Conflict amplifiers
  • Intercultural conflict dynamics
  • Classification of conflicts
  • Conflict diagnosis
  • Strategies and tools for conflict management and resolution
  • Principles of mediation
  • Different mediative approaches

Methods used

  • Preparatory task
  • Teaching input
  • Transfer tasks: Committed actions to implement in your own field of activity
  • Case work - on own current cases and situations
  • Individual reflection
  • Group work
  • Learning dossier/handout


Sie erhalten Unterlagen in digitaler Form, welche in Ihrem persönlichen Login-Bereich der BWI Homepage zum Abruf bereit gestellt werden.

Max. Teilnehmer
2 days
1900 CHF
As it is easier to learn with someone you know: bring along an accompanying person from your company and benefit from a 10% discount from the second person taking part.

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