CAS Projektmanagement – Change und Transformation - agil, klassisch, hybrid mit der FH Graubünden

25.01.2025 — 15.01.2026
Tuesday, 25. February, 08.30 until 17.00
Wednesday, 26. February, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 27. February, 08.30 until 17.00
Wednesday, 09. April, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 10. April, 08.30 until 17.00
Wednesday, 14. May, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 15. May, 08.30 until 17.00
Wednesday, 25. June, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 26. June, 08.30 until 17.00
Wednesday, 20. August, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 21. August, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 23. October, 08.30 until 17.00
Friday, 24. October, 08.30 until 17.00
Wednesday, 03. December, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 04. December, 08.30 until 17.00
Thursday, 15. January, 08.30 until 17.00
Max. number of seats
FH Graubünden
Limmatstrasse 21
8005 Zürich
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