The seminars at BWI
Here you will find all public seminars for your individual development. Compile your topics and dates freely.

Self leadership
The ancient Greeks already believed in this saying “Know thyself!” Everything starts with yourself. The way a meeting comes together, whether a team harmonizes, whether your goals in a project are achieved or not. The better you know your own behaviour, your preferences and your motivations, your potential weaknesses and biases – the better you can deal with other people and the more effective you become as a leader.

Leading teams
How do you create a climate of psychological safety in a team in order for everyone to speak up and stand in for their opinions to openly discuss different perspectives without fear of exposing themselves? It is important to convey an environment where failures are seen as a necessary ingredient of innovation and mistakes an opportunity to learn and grow individually and collectively. Then high performance can be achieved and maintained sustainably.

Leading projects
Strategically important projects are often used to help steer organizations towards new directions. Project work is enormously important in many areas of business. Knowing and mastering the methodology and tools of modern project management (classic, agile and hybrid) are crucial for success.

Customized seminars
If your organization is going through a period of change, you may need a systematic training plan tailored to your individual needs. We are at your disposal for this and will create your in-house seminar together with you.
Next Seminars
Project management - methodology and tools
Leading projects
Places available
Leadership for experienced Leaders (Advanced module)
Leading teams
Places available
Leadership for new leaders
Leading teams
Places available
From Project to Product - Understanding and Applying Financial Plans and Business Cases
Leading projects
Places available
Project management - methodology and tools
Leading projects
Places available
From Project to Product - Understanding and Applying Financial Plans and Business Cases
Leading projects
Places available
Project management - methodology and tools
Leading projects
Places available