
From Project to Product - Understanding and Applying Financial Plans and Business Cases

Companies and organisations are increasingly working in project-like set-ups. Project managers are being given more and more economic responsibility for the results of the projects. In agile settings in particular, the focus is shifting away from pure project management towards a holistic view of the product to be developed. Here, the original project result - the product - becomes part of the product management process, is continuously developed and supported throughout its entire life cycle.

It is therefore essential that project teams are able to take the product and its life cycle into account during financial planning. This training provides the necessary skills based on real-life situations.

You want

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the relevant key financial figures in projects and their impact
  • Be able to read, understand and critically scrutinise project financial plans
  • Recognise metrics in order to manage your projects in an economically target-oriented manner

You need

  • Knowledge and confidence in applying dynamic financial accounting methods
  • A solid financial basis to recognise over-optimistic business plans at an early stage and to be able to argue with valid arguments

You bring

  • Experience in project work or technical product management

Topics covered by the training

  • From project to product
  • Profit & loss and cash flow
  • Opex and capex, amortisation
  • Time value of money
  • Static and dynamic methods of investment calculation
  • Net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR)
  • Cost estimation and project cost plan
  • Risk assessment of the project and the project results
  • Factors for financially successful project results
  • Project financial plan and business case

Differentiation: The focus of this training is not on project financing (e.g. financing of large investments by credit institutions)

Methods used

The training conveys the contents by means of short presentations on the background and practical examples. The important topics are worked on and deepened in small groups. You can also bring in your own project situations.

Coaching included in the course price

It is easier to transfer what you have learnt into everyday life if you can clarify any questions that arise or receive further support with regard to your own project. Therefore, two personal online coaching sessions of 1.5 hours each are included in the training. The coaching has to be utilised within three months of the course.


You will receive documents in digital form, which can be accessed in your personal login area on the BWI homepage.

Max. Teilnehmer
1 day
1200 CHF
As it is easier to learn with someone you know: bring along an accompanying person from your company and benefit from a 10% discount from the second person taking part.