[Translate to English:] Jiri Scherer, BWI

Jiri Scherer

Co-founder and partner of DENKMOTOR in Zurich. Moderator and trainer for creativity, design thinking, business model innovation, simplicity and more.

Training, experience and skills

  • Betriebsökonom FH, MAS in Innovation Engineering
  • Several years of experience as creativity trainer and facilitator of innovation and simplification workshops
  • New Entrepreneurs in Technology and Science Award of the Gebert Rüf Foundation
  • Lecturer at various universities of applied sciences
  • Keynote Speaker on "Lateral thinking" and "Simplicity"


  • Author or co-author of the books «Denkmotor», «Innovationsmanagement», «Simplicity – Starke Strategien für einfache Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Prozesse».

Linkedin Profile


The current trainings of Jiri Scherer